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Illuminations: #7 Video Music


The Illuminations ephemeral art program is proudly supported by Waverley Council. It aims to foster the practice of emerging contemporary artists by providing an avenue in which local and international audiences are able to experience experimental Australian new media art in an accessible environment.

The seventh instalment of this program features the work of Angela Garrick, Ella Barclay, Harley Ives, Kusum Normoyle, Lucy Phelan & Matthew Hopkins, Marcus Cook, Joel Stern & Pia Borg, Pia Van Gelder.

The exhibition is focused on how each of these artists incorporate an innovative use of sound into their video practice through a range of screen based, projected, sculptural, and interactive works. Sound and music occupy a central role in this exhibition, with the aural and the visual becoming entwined in intriguing ways.

VIDEO MUSIC explores the complex nature of sound and image correlations in contemporary practice, and the artists presented here really cover a wide scope of audio-visuality – from artificial HD realms to degrading analogue landscapes, from early cinematic devices and hand crafted technologies, through to advanced animated and interactive systems.

Curator: Matthew Hopkins

Text from atBondi website


Bondi Pavillion
– via 
